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Purple top turnips

History There has been a long history of purple top turnips, also known as ‘Purple Top White Globe turnips’, dating back to ancient times. Turnips with purple tops were likely cultivated in Europe hundreds of years ago. The Purple Top White Globe turnip was introduced in the United States in the 19th century, and it […]

Everything You Need to Know About Radishes

History Historically, radishes have been around since ancient times. The first radishes were believed to have been grown more than 4,000 years ago in China. Later, they spread to Japan, Korea, and India as well. Radishes were also grown by the ancient Egyptians, as they were depicted in hieroglyphics and were even found in the […]

Flat white turnips

History Turnips were believed to have originated in Asia and were then introduced to ancient Greece and Rome. The Roman colonists cultivated flat white turnips throughout Europe around the 1st century, according to historical records.  Flat white turnips were first cultivated by settlers in North America in the 1600s and were widely consumed during the […]

Why Celeriac Deserves a Place in Your Garden and Diet

History Celery root, commonly known as celeriac, is a root vegetable from the same family as celery. It is thought to have its roots in the Mediterranean basin. Europeans began cultivating celeriac as a winning vegetable during the Middle Ages when it became popular as a food. In the 17th century, celeriac was used to […]

A sustainability project in Tuscany where farming, dining, hospitality are all reimagined with care: for the earth, people and for the future.