

43° 27.1176′ N, 11° 12.6252′ E

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Meet Rosario Di Geronimo

About Rosario Di Geronimo

What is your name? Rosario Di Geronimo – Bioinvio trademark

What do you do? Growing and marketing citrus fruits.

Where do you work? Sicily, province of Ragusa. Our land lies in the valley furrowed by the Acate river, one of the most fertile areas in Sicily.

What is your favorite product in the company? Blood orange.

When did you discover that you wanted to become a beer/gin/cheese/wine producer?

It is a trade that we have handed down for five generations.

What do you like most about this trade?

The contact with nature.

Have you seen a change in the industry in recent years? Do you see it as negative or positive?

In recent years there has been a big change due to the renewal of plantations, introducing new varieties resistant to certain plant diseases. 

Definitely positive.

Which (technical) part of the gin/beer/beer/wine production process do you like best?

The cultivation.

What kind of experience would you like to offer your customers when producing your wine/gin/beer/beer?

A walk among our plants to show the entomological life that develops among them.

What are the most important things you have been taught to get to where you are now?

Great observation.

What is unique about the environment in which you work? What can you find here that you cannot find elsewhere?

A great biodiversity.

What do you think could help improve the profession (policies/investment/training)?

Definitely investment and a lighter bureaucracy. 

Politics, unfortunately, we feel is very distant and disinterested in the agricultural sector.

What keeps you going when things get tough?

The great passion that drives us to face and overcome the toughest challenges.

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