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Broad beans

History Originating in the Mediterranean, probably in North Africa and Southwest Asia, the broad beans now grow all over the world. During the 17th century, broad beans reached Britain. It was well- known to ancient Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks. Broad beans were considered low-class food by ancient Egyptians. Around 6,500 B.C. broad beans were commonly […]


History Historically, radishes have been around since ancient times. The first radishes were believed to have been grown more than 4,000 years ago in China. Later, they spread to Japan, Korea, and India as well. Radishes were also grown by the ancient Egyptians, as they were depicted in hieroglyphics and were even found in the […]

Exploring tuscany’s landscape: the cypress trees and beyond

Tuscany is a beautiful region in central Italy known for its gorgeous vistas, quaint hilltop towns, and luscious vineyards. Nothing, however, better encapsulates the essence of Tuscany than the renowned cypress tree, or “cipresso” in Italian. These magnificent trees have long been important in the region’s history, art, and culture. In this post, we’ll look […]

Black salsify

History Ancient Greek and Romans cultivated black salsify for its medicinal properties, and it has been cultivated for centuries. In the Middle Ages, black salsify was grown in monastery gardens throughout Europe and used in monastic cuisine. By the 18th and 19th centuries, Dutch and German gardeners introduced it to northern Europe, making it more […]

A sustainability project in Tuscany where farming, dining, hospitality are all reimagined with care: for the earth, people and for the future.