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Why Celeriac Deserves a Place in Your Garden and Diet

History Celery root, commonly known as celeriac, is a root vegetable from the same family as celery. It is thought to have its roots in the Mediterranean basin. Europeans began cultivating celeriac as a winning vegetable during the Middle Ages when it became popular as a food. In the 17th century, celeriac was used to […]

Organic vs. Ecological farming: making the right choice

Tuscany, Italy, is known for its beautiful landscapes and rich agricultural heritage. For many years, farmers in Tuscany have been practicing organic farming to preserve the environment and promote healthy living. However, in recent years, a new type of farming called ecological farming has gained popularity. In this article, we will explore the difference between […]

A sustainability project in Tuscany where farming, dining, hospitality are all reimagined with care: for the earth, people and for the future.