Brussels Sprouts with Toasted Hazelnuts

People who say they don’t like Brussels sprouts have probably only had them one way: overcooked. Treat these little cabbages right, with a quick blast in a hot oven to singe their leaves and bring out their inherent nuttiness, followed by a light dressing of oil and vinegar. A scattering of crisp hazelnuts completes the […]
Roasted cauliflower with lemon & olives

In this recipe, mild cauliflower is the perfect foil for savory olives and tangy lemon zest. You can substitute Romanesco cauliflower, often called Romanesco broccoli, for the white cauliflower. Bright chartreuse with cone-shaped florets, this botanical mutation of cauliflower is slightly sweeter and more tender than its better-known kin. Serves 4 1 head cauliflower, about […]