Purple top turnips

History There has been a long history of purple top turnips, also known as ‘Purple Top White Globe turnips’, dating back to ancient times. Turnips with purple tops were likely cultivated in Europe hundreds of years ago. The Purple Top White Globe turnip was introduced in the United States in the 19th century, and it […]
Artichokes Paestum

History Artichoke cultivation dates back to Bourbon times, with the statistical office recording its presence in Capaccio and Evoli in 1811. Despite the extensive land reclamation and agricultural transformation brought about by the agrarian reform of 1929-30, it was not until 1929-30 that the artichoke cultivation spread, thanks to the efforts of several Neapolitan farmers […]
The importance of leccino olive in tuscany

Farmers in Tuscany, Italy have been cultivating the Leccino olive for centuries, turning it into a cherished treasure found in the region’s rolling hills. Its delicate flavor and aroma have made it a prized ingredient in Tuscan cuisine and a symbol of the region’s rich cultural heritage. From the gnarled trunks of the olive trees […]